Research and Development

Features of New Cosmos Electric's Research and Development

A research and development approach that continues to focus on creating something unique

Since developing the world's first Residential Gas Alarms in the 1960s, we have created a variety of "world first" and "one-of-a-kind" products. Our desire to create something that does not exist in the world and create a better society is still deeply rooted in our current development approach.
Our research and development staff, who make up approximately one-quarter of our total workforce, will continue to take on the challenge of "doing things that no one else has been able to do before."

We conduct everything from basic research into gas sensors to the development of devices that incorporate them in-house.

The heart of the gas detectors and gas alarm we sell is the gas sensors that senses gas. We carry out everything from basic research to manufacturing of gas gas sensors at our in-house gas sensors sensor R&D and manufacturing facility, the New Cosmos sensor Center, and develop gas detectors and alarm equipped with these high-quality gas sensors .


We are the only manufacturer of gas alarm in Japan that handles everything from home use to industrial use.

Residential Gas Alarms a 5-year expiration date and are used without maintenance during that time. Most for industrial use gas detectors and alarm require regular maintenance once a year, but there are cases where they are used in harsh environments such as outdoors or in places with extreme changes in temperature and humidity. Developing gas alarm for use in such completely different environments requires high technical capabilities and know-how. We can meet a wide range of needs based on our many years of experience.