Stock Information

Basic Stock Information

Securities Code 6824
Listed Exchange Tokyo Stock Exchange Standard Market
Number of shares per unit 100 shares
Fiscal Year April 1st to March 31st of the following year
Ordinary General Meeting of Shareholders Every June
Final dividend payment date for shareholders March 31
Date for determining shareholders for interim dividend payment September 30
Account management period for the shareholder registry administrator's special account Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation
Same contact details Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation Osaka Securities Agency Department 3-6-3 Fushimi-cho, Chuo-ku, Osaka 541-8502
TEL.0120-094-777 (toll free)
Method of announcement Electronic Public Notices

Stock InformationAs of September 30, 2023

Total number of authorized shares 50,000,000 shares
Total number of shares issued 12,561,000 shares
Number of Shareholders 976 people

Major Shareholders (Top 10) As of September 30, 2023

Shareholder Name Number of shares held (thousands) Shareholding ratio (%)
Iwatani Corporation Corporation 3,452 27.95
New Cosmos Electric Business Partners Stockholding Association 589 4.77
RK Limited Company 572 4.63
Mitsuko Kasahara 475 3.85
New Cosmos Electric Electric Employee Stock Ownership Association 467 3.78
Osaka Gas Co., Ltd. 442 3.58
The Dai-ichi Life Insurance Company, Limited 385 3.12
Yuko Saiga 371 3.01
Tesshi Shigemori 326 2.64
Rinnai Corporation 251 2.04

(Notes) 1. The shareholding ratio is calculated excluding treasury stock (208,227 shares).
2. The total number of issued shares includes treasury stock (208,227 shares).

Shareholders ratio

Shareholders ratio

  • Treasury stock
  • Financial institutions
  • Financial instruments traders
  • Other corporations
  • Foreign corporations, etc.
  • Individuals/Others
Shareholders ratio

Shares ratio

  • Treasury stock
  • Financial institutions
  • Financial instruments traders
  • Other corporations
  • Foreign corporations, etc.
  • Individuals/Others