Disclosure Policy

Disclosure Policy

1. Basic Policy on Information Disclosure

In accordance with Corporate Philosophy, we strive to maintain and develop relationships of trust with all stakeholders, including shareholders, investors, customers, business partners, employees, and local communities, by disclosing information in a fair and transparent manner and by engaging in a variety of communication activities to respond responsibly.

2. Information Disclosure Standards

We will disclose information in a timely and appropriate manner, in a fair and transparent manner, in accordance with laws and regulations and the rules of the exchanges on which our shares are listed.
Furthermore, in addition to disclosing information required by law and the rules of the exchanges on which our company is listed, we will also endeavor to disclose information that is deemed to have a substantial impact on investment decisions and that is deemed useful in deepening understanding of our company, recognizing it as important information regarding our corporate activities.

3. Method of Information Disclosure

We will disclose information that is required to be disclosed by law and regulations and the rules of the exchanges on which our shares are listed in an appropriate manner, and will also endeavor to post the content of such disclosure on our website promptly after it is made public.
Furthermore, when disclosing information that does not fall under the laws and regulations or the rules set out by the exchanges on which our company is listed, we will endeavor to disclose the information through our website.
Securities reports and other documents filed under the Financial Instruments and Exchange Act are made public on the electronic disclosure system (EDINET) provided by the Financial Services Agency.

4. Quiet Period

In order to prevent the leak of information that may affect our stock price during the preparation period for the financial results announcement and to ensure fairness in information disclosure, we have set a quiet period from the day after the end of the fiscal year until the financial results announcement date. During this period, we will refrain from answering questions or making comments regarding our performance.
However, if there are prospects for significant changes to our earnings forecast during this period, we will disclose such changes as appropriate in accordance with the law and the rules set out by the exchange on which our shares are listed.

5. Future forecasts

Among the information disclosed by our company, statements regarding future forecasts such as business performance forecasts, future plans, and strategies are based on information currently available to our company and certain assumptions that we judge to be reasonable, and are not intended to guarantee that they will be achieved. Please note that these future forecasts include factors such as risks and uncertainties, and actual results and business performance may differ from the forecasts.