Our Thoughts

"Eliminating gas accidents
from all corners of the world.”

This is our unchanging mission.
Today, we continue to steer our ship toward this mission, wishing for the everyday lives of our customers all over the world.

-Sensor Development-

I am involved in the development and improvement of gas sensors , which are the lifeblood of gas alarm . The performance of sensor is directly linked to people's lives, so they are parts that must never break. I think about how to develop a satisfactory gas sensors, solve each issues that arises, and thoroughly test it until I can say, "This is good enough." Even so, I feel anxious when it leaves my hands and goes out into the world. But at the same time, I feel a strange feeling and joy that the gas sensors I developed with all my effort is helping people somewhere in the world, protecting people's lives from gas accidents.

-Technology Development-

I am in charge of the final stage of development, so to speak, which involves turning on gas in the final prototype to check whether it works properly. The products we make are " safety equipment" that protects lives from gas accidents and fire , so it is essential that we create products that work reliably in an emergency and are useful to our customers. To that end, we always carefully consider the situations in which our customers will use the products and are conscious of seeing things from the customer's perspective. We also feel that it is very important to "never overlook even the smallest irregularities." We are proud that the products we make are useful for protecting people's safety in various places around the world, and we put all our effort into development.

-Quality Management-

The products we make are required to "reliably notify customers of danger" in the event of an unforeseen incident such as a gas leak or fire. For that reason, we always take every possible measure to ensure quality, but in the unlikely event that a malfunction does occur, it is my mission to quickly resolve the issue so that customers can continue to use our products with peace of mind. Furthermore, I am responsible for researching and analyzing that information and linking it to future product development. Hoping that "my work will one day become unnecessary = product malfunctions will disappear," I am always working to bring better products to the world and provide peace of mind to the world.

-Overseas Sales-

My mission is to deliver our products to as many companies and homes as possible in order to Eliminating gas accidents from around the world. However, in Thailand and neighboring countries where I work, people are still not fully aware of the dangers of gas leak and fire. Therefore, while working on educational activities regarding gas handling through local companies and governments, I believe it is important to "first get to know" about our company, a foreign-affiliated company. It is the greatest joy when our company's appeal is conveyed to customers and they choose our products. I believe that each and every one of these things, no matter how small, will lead to a relationship of trust with our customers, so I always try to respond politely, quickly, and sincerely.

-Human Resources-

Currently, I am mainly in charge of recruiting new graduates, and I am often asked about the type of person we are looking for. When I answer, I say, "There is no specific type of person that you must be." This is because we do not have a system where you cannot be successful unless you are within a certain framework. Although there are various personalities, ways of thinking, strengths and weaknesses, everyone is active in their own way. I think that the most important thing is for each person to work to their full potential. People who joined our company because they wanted to work for us are still active today, demonstrating their own individuality in order to Eliminating gas accidents from around the world. With this joy in my heart, I work hard every day, looking forward to meeting new "people."

Company Introduction Materials

Company Information Video (Youtube)